¿Dónde están Macrogranjas en España?

¿Dónde están Macrogranjas en España?

Pig macro-farms

In this interactive map you can navigate through the 2,441 pig fattening farms with more than 2,000 heads and the 861 farms with more than 750 breeding mothers that are located in the Iberian Peninsula and know their methane and ammonia emissions in 2019.

29.5% of Aragon’s surface area is currently declared as Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ). In total 14,074 square kilometers of the entire autonomous community. There are towns with episodes of nitrate contamination of drinking water.

Towns in the province of Toledo, such as Malpica de Tajo, have declared their opposition to this type of exploitation due to the concentration accumulated mainly in the regions of Torrijos and Montes de Toledo. In these regions there are also large poultry farms.

Although most of the large pig farms in Extremadura are extensive farms, mainly Iberian pigs, there are also more than 30 intensive macro-farms for fattening and pig breeding.

Granja casañe rodríguez

Con sus famosos manjares, como los chorizos y diversos tipos de jamón, España es una de las naciones con mayor índice de consumo de carne de Europa. Gran parte de su carne se cultiva en macrogranjas cuyo funcionamiento no es sostenible para el medio ambiente. La opinión pública española y dos ONG, Greenpeace España y la Asociación Hacendera, reclaman una legislación más estricta en torno a la ganadería masiva.

Noviercas es un pueblo de unos 150 habitantes situado en el noroeste de Castilla y León. Los alrededores de Noviercas interesan ahora a la empresa española Valle de Odieta, que pretende explotar una granja de más de 23.000 animales en la zona. Sería la mayor granja de vacas de Europa y la quinta a nivel mundial.

  ¿Quién se come a los moluscos?

La empresa presentó el proyecto de la granja industrial hace cuatro años, cuando solicitó a la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero (DHC) una concesión de agua. En aquel entonces, la petición fue rechazada y el proceso de concesión quedó paralizado.

En enero de este año, la empresa solicitó autorización a la DHC para investigar las aguas subterráneas de la zona y obtener así la concesión de agua para su explotación. Greenpeace España estima que el uso de agua para sostener la explotación sería de entre cuatro y seis millones de litros diarios.

Macrofarming in Spain

I agree on everything. But… Why do these farms exist? Unfortunately they exist because there is demand. And even if we sign and support you, it is useless if we don’t take a step further and stop eating meat. Love for all

Well, I don’t think it’s that bad. Animals are there to be killed and eaten. In the back of my bar I kill the chickens and rabbits that I serve to the clients, and nobody has complained. Sometimes they don’t die the first time and I have to hit them against the wall. But that’s what animals are for. But if they have no feelings. Well, a few dogs and cats that I have taken along with the car. And nothing happens. I get some great dishes. You are invited to come to my bar whenever you want. A good chicken giso and canbiais of opinion.

Lots of encouragement. Animal abuse is a crime that humanity has to assume. We have to take care of livestock, as our grandparents and parents did. Even in death it deserves all our respect.

  ¿Qué es un animal aéreo?

I am sorry I can not go to Noviercas due to my family circumstances and residence, but I will be in spiritual presence. I hallucinate with these lobbies and companies that only think about their bottom line without taking into account the least neither the people they harm nor the environment, of course. And on top of that, they have the nerve to denounce when someone demands a minimum of facts or actions that do not harm the environment.

World pig population

All my support! They want to silence us because we question their business model. We need a radical change in our socioeconomic model to put people and our environment above the selfish interests of a few. It is difficult but absolutely necessary, our lives depend on it.

Macro pig farms are 60% positive to salmonella thyfimorium through the slurry are infecting wild birds and poultry farms outdoors. The problem is so serious that nobody dares to investigate it.

¿Dónde están Macrogranjas en España?
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